Prince is well known for his last-minute jams - but last night was really tight. I think at most about 4 hours notice of a mysterious SuperMoon jam at Paisley Park. Then 2 hours later the flyer above went out via @NPGOFFICIAL and @3RDEYEGIRL. Looking at the list of musicians and after seeing the livestream just a couple of weeks ago of what this band can do - If there was a way to get there - I would've been there in a heartbeat. (Catchup with the session here ) Here is the first report that I could find online of what went down last night.... Report via Motherfunka @ "Tonight's event was held in the Love 4 One Another room. It started out with DJ, old school music. Then Marcus Anderson, John Blackwell, Andrew Gouche, and Xavier Taplin took the stage and played a jazz session. Prince was standing off to the left of the stage. They said it was all new songs that they had created the last 2 weeks. There were probably about 150 people there. After t
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