Photo by Sara Savoy So - a bit like Inception or Pulp Fiction or one of those films that goes out of sequence - I'm going to have to skip ahead a little bit in the story of my visit to Minneapolis, because something amazing just happened.... I just had the most incredible afternoon and evening for lots of reasons.. I was planning an easy day of relaxing and writing when I got an invite from Sara to join her on a trip to her sister's place and we would take in the spot where Take Me With You was filmed and try and find "the lake" where Prince convinced Apollonia to purify herself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka. I drove up to Sara's place about midday where I was greeted by her enthusiastic dogs and I had a good old look through Sara's amazing vinyl collection while she got ready. We were a little on edge that something might happen that night but nothing had been announced so it was seeming less and less likely. Photo by Sara Savoy Photo...
Thoughts on Music, Travel, Live Music and Life